If you are looking for the very best value car insurance in Spain, buildings or contents cover, motorcycle insurance, private health or dental plans then give us a call today, we think you will be surprised how competitive our premiums are and you will be assured of the very best service and advice from our friendly English staff. For Professional advice and Peace of mind for the whole Family.
Get to Know Us
20 years experience of providing insurance in Spain
We are Ex-pats, just like you, living in Spain. We understand your insurance needs and have the experience & knowledge to match the product to your needs.
We speak English & Spanish
We are based in Marbella but cover the whole of Spain and th Islands. A one to one chat can be arranged online to review your policies.
We have a dedicated claims department to assist as and when needed should you need to make a claim
We can offer most types of insurance depending on your needs and all under the same roof!
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